Ronald G Slagel Jr.
Position/title: owner
Education: BS Electrical Engineering, Purdue University
How many years have you lived in B-N? 5 years in total. My family and I moved here permanently in May 2018, however I lived here in 2011/12 & 2014 as well. I was raised in the small town of Fairbury, so B-N has always been a part of my life as the best destination for shopping and entertainment.
Owner number: #1942.
Why do you want to serve on the Board of Directors of GTG?
I was raised in Fairbury, lived and traveled all over the eastern half of the country building my career, and now am putting down roots back home in Central IL with my wife and young daughter. Serving and being a part of the community has always been important to my family, from my grandparents on, and has encompassed volunteering, serving on Rotaries, boards and even holding public office. I would like to continue that legacy and build relationships that allow me to become a part of, rather than just living in, the community. Since being introduced to GTG, following its activities and involvement, and listening to the care and passion evidenced at a meeting of the Board, I would be honored to continue to use my abilities to serve the co-op and the community. Frankly, I believe that a strong GTG co-op will help build a stronger community. Directly, immediately, and every day — all while building a foundation for the future in supporting local, community-minded products.
What are you passionate about? How could we see that passion in action in your day-to-day life?
Family and community. Building relationships. I regularly volunteer at a local community center not only because I support what they’re doing for people of all ages and races in the community but because I meet new people and develop relationships that I may not have the opportunity to at work or home. I support local food banks and shelters through donation, time, and vocation. These will always hold a special place in my heart specifically because they helped me through a low point in my life by not only doing what they do every day, but by being a source of emotional support and stability at a time when it was hard to come by. I keep local businesses’ energy dollars here in the community by splitting revenue from Prudent Community Energy with local organizations that are filling needs in our community. All of this so that my daughter, Prudence, is raised in an environment where involvement and community mindedness is important, and she has the best chance for her best life as part of a successful community.
Describe an experience where you worked on a team. What did you offer the team? How did you compromise for the team’s benefit?
Throughout my career I’ve worked on many teams because no large-scale project in the energy industry happens through the efforts of one person, or even one company, community, or state at times. Every individual brings their own knowledge and experiences to the project which enhance the efforts of the team to accomplish their common goal. So I bring my own, of course, and do my best not to hinder the voices and efforts of others. Everyone on the team compromises things such as individual accomplishment or gain, ego, etc. so that the whole has the best chance for success. I am no different. I try to remember this idea, paraphrased poorly, I’m sure: “no longer struggle for the top of the pile or to hide underneath it, but to be a part of.” To be sure, we all want to be accomplished, but most importantly we all need everyone to succeed.
Other things to know about me:
I attended GTG Board meetings monthly since becoming an owner in January 2019, due to my interest in my co-op and the community. In July of 2019 I was invited to attend a Board retreat to learn more about the importance of the financials of and responsibilities internal to our co-op and was affirmed as an interim member of the Green Top Grocery Board of Directors on 7/23/2019. Over the past 7 months I have done my best to serve our co-op responsibly: being prepared to discuss important agenda items at meetings, volunteering for multiple events and projects, and attending special events. I am a member of the B-N Sunrise Rotary, serve on the Property Committee for Marcfirst, the West Market Street Council, and the Board of Directors for the Economic Development Council of our neighboring county, Livingston.